
船长IBG | 美妆出海

此生有幸种花家Lv.6 显示全部楼层 发表于 2023-6-18 10:43:03 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题

近日,美妆网约请到了IBG(Innovative Beauty Group)公司CEO Xavier Leclerc de Hauteclocque现身说法,或许能为出海企业带来启示。以下为采访内容整理:

▲IBG CEO:Xavier Leclerc de Hauteclocque

Briefly introduce IBG Group and major business information in China.

A:IBG从属阿蓓亚团体(Albéa Group),是一家领先的举世美妆解决方案提供商,我们为很多举世最具活力的大众和高端美妆品牌提供引以为傲的的服务。IBG由Orchard(美妆定制)和FASTEN(创新包装)组成,我们通过应用行业专业知识,为客户提供创新及负责任的定制和交钥匙解决方案,包罗为彩妆、护肤、个人照顾护士、家居照顾护士、头发照顾护士和购物赠品提供计划、采购、配方研发、定制包装和工具配件。


IBG (Innovative Beauty Group), a division of the Albea Group, is a leading global beauty solutions provider proudly serving some of the world’s most dynamic mass and prestige beauty brands.Comprised of Orchard Custom Beauty and FASTEN Packaging, IBG applies its industry expertise to support its customers with innovative and responsible custom and turnkey solutions that include design, sourcing, formula development, bespoke packaging and accessories for color cosmetics,skin care, personal care, home care, hair care, and gifts with purchase.

With a global team of beauty experts and a distinctly personal approach, IBG empowers all of its clients – from established beauty brands to first-time private label retailers – with strategic partnerships that bring visions to life, and products seamlessly to market. The company has offices in Shanghai, Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, the Netherlands and Paris.


The main tunnels where IBG sell cosmetics products?


IBG serves a diverse customer base consisting of Mass Retailers, Discount Retailers, Beauty Retailers and Beauty Brands offering a vast product portfolio of cosmetic solutions – 35% Color, 30% Skin & Personal care and 15% Bath & Hair Care.

What are the characteristics of the overseas beauty market? What’re the opportunities for Chinese companies?


The overseas market is broad and diverse in each region. Latin America varies greatly from North America and Europe or even France. We strongly believe we can support Chinese retailers to first develop local offerings with product ranges that could then be rolled out in other countries, as we would integrate the approach from the start.

How does IBG find cooperation partners? Can you please introduce the complete cooperation process?





As a service company, we build a network of partners tailored to each customer segment. It’s not the same to work with prestige brands, as it is to work with a mass retailer.

Our approach is as follows: our team surveys the market in China and meets with potential partners. During this process we visit their factories and perform sustainability and quality tests before selecting a partner.

Our partners’ sustainability ratings are very important to us. We started a program a few years ago called“Raise the Bar” to support our partners in getting better on Corporate Social Responsibilities at the level expected by our customers.

What are the advantages of choosing IBG to export oversea?

IBG has vast knowledge of various end markets and a unique combination of expertise in diverse customer segments, from discount retailers to prestige beauty brands, as well as all product segments of the beauty and personal care market. Approximately twenty five percent of our team is in Asia and the rest are split about 50/50 between Europe and North America.


Is there anything special to do for the products sold oversea?


The key is to create formulations and designs that are tailored to each consumer’s “group or communities.”Focusing on the country is less important than focusing on a demographic of consumers that have a given need (i.e., acne, oily skin, curly hair, etc.).

What’s the development plan of IBG and the cooperation plan with partners in the coming years?


In the coming year, our efforts will be focused on reinforcing our network of partners to be even stronger in our quality and innovation approach. This is to provide the best possible solutions to our customers when they have a complete/large product range to develop - where our project management capabilities and turnkey solutions can accelerate the Go-To-Market strategy.

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