
跟着小猪佩奇学英语 Hiccups

只想看球赛Lv.6 来自手机 显示全部楼层 发表于 2023-5-14 09:24:17 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
引言 本文旨在跟着小猪佩奇动画片,第一季第11集Hiccups,学习常用的词组、句式。

刚开始可以先跟孩子聊聊,什么是 Hiccups(打嗝)? 然后让孩子跟读两遍 Hiccups,家长可以本身教孩子读,对本身发音不自大的,也可以用有道词典、百度翻译等手机软件,查出单词,然后让孩子跟读软件上面的发音。

Did you ever get the hiccups?
“Yes, I sometimes get hiccups.
Or “No, I never get hiccups.”

It is a lovely sunny day, and Peppa and George can’t wait to go into the garden to play. 这是一个阳光明媚的日子,佩帕和乔治如饥似渴地想去花圃玩。
can't wait 等不及;等不及;如饥似渴;渴望
When you are very excited about something that is coming, you can say "I can't wait!"
I can't wait for Christmas.
I can't wait to get back home.
The girl loves school. The girl can't wait to go to school.

Can we go out to play?
Can I go out to play? 我能出去玩吗?
Can I have an ice cream? 我能吃个冰淇淋吗?
Can we go out for dinner? 我们能出去吃晚餐吗?
Can we go swimming? 我们能去游泳吗?

You can go out to play when you finish your breakfast. 吃完早餐,你就可以出去玩了。
You can go out to play when you finish your breakfast.
You can have ice cream when you finish your vegetables.
You can play when you finish your homework.

What happened to George?
George drank his juice too quickly, and now he has hiccups!
Did that ever happen to you?
What happens if you eat ice cream too quickly?
I ate my ice cream too quickly, and now my head hurts. 我吃冰淇淋吃得太快了,如今我头疼。
What happens if you eat breakfast too slowly? 如果早餐吃得太慢会怎么样?
We ate breakfast too slowly and now we are late for school !
I _____ too quickly (or slowly) and now _____.

Not while George has hiccups.
Not while+从句,意为“在某种环境下不可以”。因为乔治喝果汁太急了,开始打嗝,妈妈说,乔治还在打嗝,不可以出去玩。
Mommy, can I play with the iPad?
Not while you are eating!
Mommy, can I play with the tiger?
Not while the tiger is hungry!

But look after George.
look after 照顾,照料

George's hiccups are spoiling the game.
spoiling 粉碎; 毁掉
George can't play very well because of his hiccups.
Too much salt is spoiling the soup!
Too much trash is spoiling the beach.

Comprehension questions:
1. What do Peppa and George want to do?
2. What’s the weather like?
3. Why do they finish their breakfast so quickly?
4. What happens to George? Why?
5. What game do they play in the garden?
6. What happens when they try to play catch?


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