

挖机维修Lv.6 显示全部楼层 发表于 2022-12-24 14:47:51 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Compared with the PUA in love, the PUA of children to their parents is the most terrible.
In this world, if there are really PUA masters, some parents must be top-level. Because the blows, negation and abuse of close friends can destroy a person's spirit and body.
Parents' disparaging of their children, even for the purpose of "motivating", will eventually come true. Please don't constantly deny and suppress children in the name of love for your purpose.
It seems that the ostensible purpose is to avoid children's pride and to keep them awake at all times, but in fact, in order to make children obedient and even control their children, many parents choose this method. In order to keep their children's memory long, parents always try their best.
Once the family PUA is too absolute and oppressive, this situation will make the children more irritable, and the parents who want to resist or surrender will become submissive. Repressive education can easily destroy children's self-esteem and self-confidence.
For children, self-confidence, kindness and creativity in the process of growing up are very valuable. For example, self-confidence can support their confidence and creativity, and it is also a necessary skill to adapt to the society in the future. There are no children who do not love their parents, nor parents who do not love their children. Since they love each other very much, don't inadvertently step into the "Chinese family PUA". Let's see if your family has adopted the following education methods.


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