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标题: 一个关于数目还是质量的风趣小故事 (双语)Quantity or quality? [打印本页]

作者: 遇见时光    时间: 2023-7-24 18:40
标题: 一个关于数目还是质量的风趣小故事 (双语)Quantity or quality?

Quantity VS quality?

Once upon a time, an old teacher of mine told me a story that stuck with me for the rest of my life:

On the first day of class, a pottery teacher split her class into two halves.

In the first half, she said, “You will spend the semester studying pottery, planning, designing, and creating your perfect pot. At the end of the semester, we’ll have a competition to see whose pot is the best.”

To the other half, she said, “You will spend your semester making lots of pots. Your grade will be based on the number of completed pots you finish. At the end of the semester, you’ll also have the opportunity to enter your best pot into a competition.”

The first half of the class threw themselves into researching, planning, and designing. Then they set about creating their one perfect pot for the competition.

The second half of the class immediately grabbed fistfuls of clay and started churning out pots. They made big ones, small ones, simple ones, and intricately detailed ones. Their muscles ached for weeks because of the strength they built by having to throw so many pots.
fistfuls 一把
intricately 复杂地
detailed 详尽的,详细的;(装饰)精致的,过细的

At the end of class, both groups entered their best work into the competition. Once the votes were tallied, all of the best pots came from the team that was tasked with producing as many pots as they could. What they learned from making so many different samples helped them become significantly better potters than the other students who set out to make the single most perfect pot.


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