天盟传媒 - 一个会员自行传媒的平台,人人都是传媒者!

标题: 三月流焱:走好脚下的路,努力之后即便渐行渐远也没关系 [打印本页]

作者: 悦和瑞熙    时间: 2022-10-22 19:44
标题: 三月流焱:走好脚下的路,努力之后即便渐行渐远也没关系

早点上班,晚点下班 ,每天几万个想要跳出这个圈子的念头却又无比贪图里面的安逸,理想与现实的拉扯,终归照旧后者占据上风。
Go to work early, leave work late, every day tens of thousands of ideas want to jump out of this circle but very greedy in the comfort, ideal and reality pull, ultimately the latter is still the upper hand.

Perhaps it is really old, full of brain play rotten but dare not completely compete with the age, the only one not to be blunt by life is probably only this poor self-cognition.

Any sense of security placed on others will collapse, and the number in the card, the steering wheel and the full cell phone battery can stop you from the sharpness and confusion of life.

Things you can't control can not be reversed by anxiety. It doesn't matter to try your best, even if you go away.

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